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Neue Version 1.5.50

Die neue Version 1.5.50, die einige iOS 10 Fehler behebt, steht nun zum Download bereit. Sie enthält ein paar neue Funktionen und einige Fehlerkorrekturen:

  • Eine neue Funktion zum Umwandeln eines Termins in eine Aufgabe wurde ergänzt.
  • Es gibt nun einen "Vielleicht" Terminstatus zusätzlich zu "Beschäftigt" und "Verfügbar" in der Editieransicht. Als Statussymbol wird ein Fragezeichen "?" bei den Terminen, die als "Vielleicht" markiert sind, angezeigt.

  • When using iOS10 and repeating reminders, the "Keep reminders in notification center" function does not work, all reminders have to be cancelled due to a bug in iOS10.
  • Workaround for stopping minutely repeating reminders.
  • Bug fix for WatchOS 3
  • Added an optional button to the title editor to save the new event as an all-day event with a single tap.
  • Bug fix for wrapping entries in the new design of the week view over multiple lines.
  • Bug fix for iOS 10.
  • When converting an event into a task and back the location field is now preserved by copying it into the task's notes field, too.
  • Bug fix for accessing the iOS calendar.
  • Bug fix for downloading task lists.
  • The convert event into task screen has a "Save" button on iPhones now.
  • Cloud icon for events that were not uploaded yet, bug fix for using "Refresh" to sync the tasks while e.g. Airplane mode.
  • Selecting days in the new week view is now faster.
  • You can now choose for each view (day/week/month/agenda) individually if event icons should be displayed ("Settings > Icons").
  • Added support for the navigation app "Magic Earth".
  • Bug fix for a crash that could occur when the events were changed (e.g. by a background sync) while the all-day events view was displayed.
  • Bug fix for converting events into iOS reminders.
  • Bug fix for a crash when removing reminders from an event.
  • Bug fix for sending emails on iPads, the email composer didn't appear at all if e.g. GMail was installed.
  • The search view now also searches iOS reminders.
  • Bug fix, the "age of yearly events" was not displayed in the new design of the week view.
  • Bug fix, the pop-up was sometimes displayed below the pop-up rectangle (instead of to the left or the right) so that not much space was left when the keyboard appeared.
  • Bug fix, sometimes the separator line between two weeks in the vertically scrollable month view was missing.
  • Bug fix for displaying iOS reminders in the "new week design", the color of the iOS reminders was not taken into account.
  • If an event starts before the "Day start" time in the day view so that its text is not completely visible, the text is now automatically moved down to become fully visible.
  • Changed "Standard" to "Default".
  • The "clear completed" command can now also delete completed iOS reminders.
  • If a calendar was accidentally set to "no download" and the "re-download" function is used, the calendar is automatically set to "download" now.
  • Bug fix for a daily recurring overnight event with a count limit, that was not displayed correctly on the morning of the last day.